Friday, February 18, 2011

Lipstick in Afghanistan

Lipstick in Afghanistan by Roberta Gately

This book was a quick read. (Also it satisfies my book challenge criteria of reading a book with a wartime setting(; ) This was not my favorite book ever, but it was very relate-able for me and I really enjoyed it.

Elsa becomes an RN to help people. Specifically to help people in third-world countries, after 9-11 she signs up to be an aid worker and eventually gets assigned to work in Afghanistan. I enjoyed how this book looks at the Afghani culture and seeing things from their point of view. This book moves along rather quickly and sometimes (only sometimes) the character development doesn't move with it. There are a few holes in the book and themes that I didn't particularly care for, but over all I think Ms Gately represented all sides well, including that of the American Soldiers and their role and how the Afghani people see them and how the Taliban destroyed the lives of so many people from so many different walks of life. I identified with elements of Elsa's character and her drive and especially her feeling of insecurity about her ability as a nurse. Parween is the Afghani woman that is bonded with Elsa because of a tube of lipstick and together they teach each other about life, love, and loss.

Overall, a good book. I applaud Ms Gately and her efforts as a humanitarian worker and as a writer. :)

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